Saturday, November 5, 2011

Anti-Hellenism: Fact or Myth?

For years, forces have attempted to discourage the notion of anti-Hellenism and its use to describe various incidences of anti-Hellenic violence and persecution as one united form of racial discrimination. Instead, these forces have attempted to peddle the notion that these events are nothing more than ‘random coincidences’; in hopes of writing off the validity of Anti-Hellenism, in the face of overwhelming historical sources available for all to see. Documented cases of persecutions against ethnic Greeks can be found on 5 continents. These events have been witnessed and documented; the evidence is not hidden, but rather is waiting to be discovered, if one would just let themselves step outside the programming they’ve received since birth and except reality. 

Modern opponents, those that deny or dispute the existence of Anti-Hellenism with outrageous accusations that no such phenomenon exists, claim that it is nothing more than an outlandish conspiracy theory or that these incidences are just geopolitics twisted and misinterpreted. They fail to grasp the psychological effects that their denial produces. Those who want to ignore what has happened and suppress the past only deepen the trauma that has been caused to the Hellenic psyche.  

There are several different brands of Anti-Hellenism that have manifested themselves in the annals of history, silently witnesses by many, yet condemned by none. Anti-Hellenism is a seemingly acceptable brand of racism that has disturbingly never been fully documented. One of the many forms of Anti-Hellenism found today is practiced by the likes of Nordicists and Afrocentrists; using racist myths aimed at undermining Hellenism, so as to boost their own self-image by adopting Hellenic accomplishments to justifying their own ‘superiority’. 

This type of envy towards Hellenism has been the cause of many misconceptions against ethnic Greeks. One example from Nordicism is the belief that ethnic Greeks are not ‘white’, but rather are a mixed ‘mutt’ people, unlike their supposed ‘Nordic’ ancestors. Another type of Anti-Hellenism can be found in beliefs that ethnic Greeks are infidels or “Giaours”. Some have even held the belief that ethnic Greeks were less than human, merely obstacles to business deals. Such as Admiral Mark L. Bristol, the U.S.’s High Commissioner to Constantinople (1919-27), who publicly proclaimed that “Greek is about the worst race in the Near East”. This type of belief allowed the systematic organization and implementation of a policy of extermination towards the ethnic Greeks of the Ottoman Empire and Republic of Turkey.                                                               
Yet forms of Anti-Hellenism do not simply end there. Anti-Hellenism can even be found in theology, a concept that is often identified as ‘Anti-Classical’, and can be found in both Christianity and Judaism. Anti-Hellenic violence has even touched the Diaspora in places like Toronto, Omaha, and Perth. Some have even been so sick as to promote ethnic stereotypes against Greeks rooted in sexual orientation, which lead to derogatory statements like ‘gayreek”. 

Today’s denial of the existence of Anti-Hellenism only allows this cycle of hatred to continue. Greeks must open their eyes and push for recognition of past and current anti-Hellenic crimes. We will never fully be able to move forward and recapture our past glory until today’s silent approval of Anti-Hellenic racism ends.