Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Hellenic awakening: “Kosmotheasis” the root of our Crisis

Since 2008, many within Greece, and throughout its Diaspora have attempted to explain the causes of the devastating Depression, which has ravaged the country. However, few have ever attempted to dig deeper than the superficial causes for the partial collapse of the Greek system, which in retrospect, seemed destined to fail from its inception.

Instead, what most mainstream voices seem to do is pardon those responsible for the current situation, and provide weak solutions for merely the economic angle of the crisis. Always failing to understand that the crisis in Greece is more than simply an economic depression, but part of a much larger social crisis within Greek society.

What if I told you that the root cause of the crisis in Greece, was the same underlying cause for all of today’s numerous socio-political, and financial crises worldwide. Whether one discusses the Great Global Recession, the continued deterioration of Westphalian Sovereignty, the rise of religious fundamentalism or the birth of the Corporatocracy, all these issues can be traced back to one single root cause: an evolving Kosmotheasis, which has dominated our planet for nearly two millennia.

What is a Kosmotheasis?

A Kosmotheasis, or worldview is the cognitive orientation of an individual or society, which encompasses their knowledge and point of view. In layman’s terms, it’s basically “the way one views or perceives the Kosmos (the Universe)” [1]. Now whether you realize it or not, we all have one. It’s the philosophical lens through which we perceive reality, and the driving force behind every emotion, decision, and/or action we take; an all-encompassing framework of ideas and beliefs, from which an individual or society interprets the world, and interacts with it [2].

Now Western academics will tell you that there are numerous “worldviews” at play. From theistic ones such as the dominant organized religions of today, to non-theistic ones which are organized into numerous socio-political ideologies. However, this is all a farce. These artificially created “worldviews” are but mere manifestations of one unifying Kosmotheasis: Abrahamism.

The Abrahamic Worldview

Abrahamism is a worldview [4], which evolved in the abrahamic “holy land” of the Middle East, where it began as the theistic worldview of the ancient Hebrews. Over time this ethno-religious worldview evolved, and splintered into three separate, yet still unified perspectives. Although institutionally independent from each other, these abrahamic faiths all continue to share a common psychological make-up and guiding ethos [4], which traces its origins back to the supposed “covenant” between Yahweh and Abraham [5].

Today, it’s this original theistic form of abrahamism, which has evolved into two closely aligned spheres of theistic and non-theistic perspectives. Housed within the Theistic sphere are the traditional religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. While, within the non-theistic sphere, exists a large assortment of sociopolitical ideologies ranging from marxism to capitalism. The ultimate result was a process of secularization of abrahamic thought during the Enlightenment, which gave birth to the Abrahamic Left-Right political paradigm.

The Philosophical Nature of Abrahamism

In its essence, abrahamism is about servitude. Servitude to a belief in a single infallible force with a single end: the attempt to suppress mankind’s pursuit of knowledge, excellence, and self-sufficiency. It therefore presents itself as the very antithesis of Hellenism, which pursues philosophy, moderation, and harmony with the living Kosmos. In short, it’s a uni-directional worldview, founded on the belief of an eternal Messianic struggle between ‘Good” and “Evil”; a struggle that is destined to result in an apocalyptic climax, which will forever transform humanity.

The original (theistic) abrahamism believes in a monotheistic god called Yahweh, who is conceived as an eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, and transcendent creator of the universe [6]. It divides, a non-living Kosmos into the Heavenly and the Mundane, and regards the world and man as inherently and essentially evil [3]. Thus, abrahamic thought envisions the Divine as separate and unique from the Kosmos. Over time this theistic worldview splintered into three separate interpretations of the same mythology [7] [8], which continued to share essential philosophical tendencies. These tendencies lead to the “de-sacralization” of the world [9], the inherent need to stifle cultural uniqueness, and religious exclusivity [3].

Now many superficial theistic abrahamists will feel insulted by this portrayal of their religion because they are conditioned to believe that theirs is a unique and loving religion of peace. In some ways, they are not completely incorrect, that all spiritual paths preach some form of peace and love. This type of superficial acceptance of a spiritual tradition, however, can in no way truly express its philosophical essence.

Below the spiritual façade of peace and love lays interwoven into the very fabric of abrahamic thought the model and justification for intolerance, fanaticism, and totalitarianism. This is because, abrahamism, is a school of thought born of the desert and zeal, rather than of the Polis and rationalism. In fact, Abrahamic thought in all its forms is predicated upon a sociopathic conception of Conflict Theory [3]. All abrahamists, theistic and non-theistic, seek to create prosperity and progress through a means of artificial social deconstruction, conflict, chaos, and the confrontation of seemingly contrasting forces and interests [3]; something that is completely alien to Hellenism and Hellenic Thought, which seeks harmony via synthesis to create prosperity and progress.

Realigning our Worldview

“Ξεμπερδεύουμε με το παλιό- Κερδίζουμε το αύριο” – SYRIZA 2015 Campaign Slogan

The Greek Crisis maybe the greatest loss of opportunity to befall the Greek people in generations. A Global system in shambles, generations of cronyism and thievery exposed, and still the criminal mastermind’s behind it all soldier on in positions of power. A golden opportunity for the birthplace of Democracy to free herself from nepotism and clientelism. Instead, Greece has succumbed to the fear tactics and outdated political rhetoric of those responsible for its current plight.

The Crisis ravaging Greece is more than just the result of years of economic mismanagement. It is the product of a mentality, which breeds corruption [10]. An attitude, which may have been fostered during the Ottoman Occupation [11] [12], but is the direct result of abrahamic thought and a political elite, or the Palaiokommatistes, which have turned the country into a Kleptocracy.

Since the start of the Greek Depression, the Palaiokommatistes have done little to strike at the root causes of the crisis. Instead, focusing their time and energy on re-branding themselves in a pathetic attempt to disentangle themselves from the old, corrupt ways of a system that still maintains the same mentality and rhetoric of the past [13] [14].

The only viable solution to ending this socio-economic crisis doesn’t begin with winning foreign investors or achieving dreams of Debt Reconstruction. It starts with education, and ends with a realignment of the Greek worldview. For if the root causes of the crisis are not addressed, Greece will eventually find itself back in the same situation it is today within a few decades.


[1] Frequently asked questions about the Ethnic Hellenic religion and tradition
[2] Kay, P.; Kempton, W. (1984). "What is the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis?". American Anthropologist 86 (1): 65–79. http://www.jstor.org/stable/679389?&seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
[3] Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya, “The Dharma Manifesto”
[4] Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya, “A Vedic Examination of Abrahamism”

[5] Horn, Norman. “Christians cannot be nationalists”

[6] Part Four -- On the Origin, Powers and Conditions of Man

[7] Christianity vs. Islam vs. Judaism

[8] Dodds, Adam (July 2009). "The Abrahamic Faiths? Continuity and Discontinuity in Christian and Islamic Doctrine". Evangelical Quarterly 81 (3): 230–253.

[9] Alain de Benoist, On Being A Pagan
[10] At heart of Greek crisis is a culture of corruption
[11] Taxing Times in Greece
[12] The roots of the Greek tragedy: bloated bureaucracy and tax evasion
[13] Greece is a victim of its own cronyism and corruption
[14] Corruption still alive and well in post-bailout Greece